As a rule, they answer easy questions with no problem. This is the lower margin of the average result. More than 50% of all people have intellectual abilities within these limits. This is the average IQ level for an individual. Average IQ classification 90 to 110 IQ points However, they may have a harder time with difficult ones. As a rule, they can answer easy to mid-level questions with no problem. This is the upper margin of the average result, which is good for many people. They can answer easy, mid-level, and most difficult questions with no problem. This is a rather high result of the IQ test. For instance, there are only 0.2% of people in the world that are capable of getting this score. Even fewer people can get the highest results exceeding 145 points. Such people comprise about 2.2% of the population. Many people with similar IQ levels achieve significant success in various areas of life. As a rule, they complete the test successfully faster than the specified time. They have no trouble solving the IQ test. This is the highest attainable score when testing the intelligence level. You can find a more detailed IQ score breakdown below.
Most people score between 85 to 115 points, and that is the average intelligence level. The maximum score you can get when completing our IQ test is 160.